Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Welcome everybody

Hiya folks.

I just wanted to welcome you to my new blog site. I'm calling it "The Passing Lane" in deference to my greatest passion, the sport of Harness Racing.

The passing lane was an innovation added to the game about ten years ago. At the time, many of the existing race tracks were removing their inner "hub" rail as a safety measure, replacing them with a string of spring-loaded pylons, much like those you'd see on the goal line of a football field. Then, someone had the stroke of brilliance to move the pylons placed in the homestretch a few yards to the left, thus creating a "passing" lane which would give horses, once hopelessly locked in on the rail, a fighting chance to win in the final strides.

What an amazing idea that added a little more fun to the game...I hope this crazy idea of a blogsite turns out the same way.

More to come.....C y'all down the road.

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